Jana standing on stage presenting during Config 2023

Config 2023 conference

I built and delivered training material to onboard hundreds of designers to the Capital One Design system. I had the pleasure of sharing my experience and the lessons I learned during Config 2023. The title of my talk is “Let your design system take flight: Building a design system simulator”


June 21, 2023


Presentation summary

For large organizations, internal marketing and onboarding strategies are essential to successfully introduce an enterprise design system. The Capital One Enterprise Design System team soft-launched with an interactive onboarding and education playground to demonstrate the system’s visual appeal, advanced tooling, and robust support model. Playfully titled as the design system “flight simulator”, the Figma-based training tool prepared designers to take flight. Join Jana in a discussion about how informative (and fun!) design system training can build your brand. She’ll share tips on simplifying complex design system concepts into digestible learning plans, and show examples of how she and her team brought training to life in a delightful way.

Conference gallery